Olive Oil Fried Eggs with a Fresh Herb and Tomato Salad

{paleo + vegetarian}

These olive oil fried eggs with a fresh herb and tomato salad are made with only a few  ingredients and are legit a delightful dream of a real food breakfast!

Or lunch, or dinner, if you’re the kind of person who could eat fried eggs for every meal.

– mixed herbs & micro greens – green onions – sliced tomatoes – eggs – olive oil


Divide herbs, greens, green onions and tomatoes between  two plates. Season with a generous pinch of flaky sea salt, and a grind  of two of black pepper.

Drizzle with just a little bit of sherry vinegar, and a healthy  drizzle of olive oil. Set plates aside while you cook eggs.

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a skillet over just  barely above medium heat. You want the pan hot enough to give the egg  that golden crust.

When oil is hot, crack the egg(s) into the pan and take a step back! It will sputter and splatter a bit. Cover and cook for about 3 minutes.

Towards the end of cooking time, check under lid every 20 seconds or so to make sure eggs don’t over cook.

Give this recipe a try! Tap the link for the full recipe details.