Sautéed Spinach with Garlic

{whole30 + paleo + vegan}

This 5 ingredient sautéed spinach with garlic recipe is a super easy side dish that can be made in just 10 minutes!

It pairs great with many different types of meals, from pan seared  chicken to oven roasted fish. A healthy back pocket recipe that’s  perfect for any night of the week!

– spinach – garlic, finely chopped – ghee or olive oil – salt, to taste – fresh lemon juice


If using bunched spinach that is not pre-washed wash it very well – it  often has quite a bit of loose dirt lingering on the leaves.

It’s okay if the spinach is a little wet before you start cooking. Heat olive oil or ghee in a large skillet over medium heat.

Add garlic and cook for just one minute, being careful not to let the  garlic brown. Garlic that browns too quickly will taste bitter.

Add spinach to the pan and toss continuously until it is just barely wilted – for about a minute or two.

Season to taste with salt. Finish with lemon juice and serve immediately.

Give this recipe a try! Tap the link for the full recipe details.